The Sacred Shark
The Sacred Shark
The Sacred Shark is our limited edition Sacred Hair Wrap that celebrates the life and power of the beautiful sharks who live in our oceans. Through out history it is said that sharks are the guardians of the sea, protectors, and are even viewed as ancestors among many cultures. The Beautiful shark is a symbol of strength, power and determination. In celebration of sharks as an incredible species, international shark day and shark week we have created this sacred hair wrap to support shark conservation. Meaning 100% of the proceeds of this specific piece go completely towards shark conservation!
The wearer of this piece can embody the water element, and feel the protection of the guardian of the sea, our beloved shark! Always know you are protected, and your ancestors are always with you. To all our mermaids, mermans, sea sirens, divers and and water babies out there this hair wrap is a perfect edition for the salty hair after your cool dips. Inner lining of this piece is lilac in color matching the hints of lilac on the outer fabric.
Each hair wrap is smudged and blessed with sacred affirmations. Matching sachet are also included in your purchase. All materials are organic cotton. Each piece is handmade and designed in our home studio in the US.